It's not a bad place. The impression remained 50/50, the service is good, the sauna is good. There is a musical accompaniment. The room where you are, you change clothes in the same place (it's cool enough), we also understand that if you smoke, things are likely to smell. The pool is cold, even too much
I would classify it as a font
I can recommend a sauna if you are not counting on a swimming pool. With a question about the pool to the staff, they said that you need to come and watch (we all understand that not everyone has the opportunity). In terms of hygiene, everything is clean and tidy
Great sauna. A cozy atmosphere. A gorgeous steam room, a swimming pool, although without heating, but at room temperature. And after that, wigs are generally gorgeous. A cozy recreation room. We were celebrating a birthday. We'll come again.
We came to this institution to celebrate others. The mood was great, but after 30 minutes it just wasn't there. It was cold in the room, the steam room warmed up completely after 2 hours, taking into account the fact that we took only 4 hours. There is no lock in the toilet, and the door itself does not even close (you have to hold it with your hands), the pool is icy and dirty (there is slime on the walls and railings). But the woman who met us surpassed everything!!!!! Initially, she demanded to pay in advance for cleaning after our picnic (we called the administrator, resolved the issue). The mood is ruined.Plus, I jammed the squishy lock in the door, barely opened it. Then she offered to close us from the outside, given that we were with the children, supposedly she would bounce home. After 2 hours, they asked for a microphone, but it is broken. Karaoke failed!!!! I found out about the broken railing in the pool when I almost fell off the ladder. Of the two, one shower is broken.madame came in without knocking and without a twinge of conscience ...... of all the saunas I visited, this one is just the bottom. I do not advise if you are going to have a good time intentionally
The guys decided to go to the saunas , everyone was busy in Mogilev, there was only one free , but it wasn 't worth it , the pool is dirty and very cold , some garbage is floating
The steam room itself did not go anywhere else , you can sit and warm up , the room is cold , dirty and everything is old , so cockroaches are running , the toilet door does not close , the toilet is dirty , there was practically no hot water in the boiler , and in one shower the hot is working , and in the other there is no
So the advice is if all the saunas are occupied and this one is free, then it's better not to go anywhere at all
A friend's bachelorette party was celebrated. The room allows you to set a table and stay in the sauna. A TV with Internet and a speaker, if desired, you can organize karaoke. The dishes were provided.
The steam room was not straight "fire", for those who came specifically to the sauna, probably not suitable. In the pool, the water was cloudy and as if dirty.
We did not order a hookah, although we planned, we just realized that there was no hookah...
We had a rest for my husband's birthday, everyone liked it, the music center is good, the sauna is great, the pool is a little cold, but after the sauna, everything was clean and tidy.
Праздновали в этой сауне 30 лет друга. На сайте было написано что за каждые 20 рублей при сьеме сауны дадут 0.5 разливного пива, но нам сказали что это уже не действует (хотя на сайте это написано) караоке сказали настроить самим, в туалете замок не работает, вода в бассейне мутноватая была. Хотели заказать кальян, но женщина которая там работала попросила помочь ей, если будем заказывать кальян, поэтому за 25 рублей решили не рисковать(кальянщиков среди нас не было). По приходу в сауну парилка была чуть теплая(только включили) через пол часа теплее там не стало и нам сказали что выбивает автомат. Через ещё 25 минут там было 25 градусов, оказалось опять выбило. Итого в нагретую парилку мы зашли только через полтора часа. Ставлю одну звезду за чистую посуду и ещё одну за большой телевизор. Больше к сожалению не за что.
Были в 2021, тогда сауна была на твердую 4, может и выше! В январе 2023, сервис упал ниже 3-ки. Пришли вовремя, уборка минимальная ( честно, не критично, НО осадочек остался...,) НО воды Горячей в бойлер не было СОВСЕМ . Обещали что за ЧАС нагреется, но увы... По совести за это продлили время на 15 минут. Всё честно.