Eucalyptus trees are certainly impressive. A quiet place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The residence of the President of Abkhazia is located nearby. The park is small, located at the end of the embankment. The sculpture in the park reminds of hard times when people have to choose whose truth is truer. We also faced such a choice once.
An excellent small park on the seashore along the Mazhadjirov embankment. Near the residence of the President of Abkhazia . Beautiful eucalyptus trees along the sea, pyramidal cypresses, palm trees. There is a lot of shade, there is a place to sit on benches. There is an interesting monument to the Mahajirs in the park.
Back in Abkhazia. We walked to the embankment. It became more fun. There are a lot of people walking, cafes are open. The backlight has changed, it has become more pleasant. Take a walk closer to night.
Eucalyptus Park is one of my favorite places in Sukhum. Huge white trees planted right on the embankment look fantastically beautiful. If you are in these places, be sure to take a look at this park, especially since there is an unusually beautiful drama theater two steps away from it
A wonderful place, you can warm up in the morning, there is a small playground with exercise equipment, but the main advantage is the air filled with the aroma of eucalyptus, invigorating, thick
It's hard for me to call this place a park - the promenade and the green line, as for me... there is a beautiful view from the shore when 2 currents meet)
We got on a tour, told everything, answered questions. There are many interesting specimens.
There is not enough grooming, it does not hurt to clean the pools
Almost everything related to nature in Abkhazia is beautiful, and this park on the embankment is no exception. Clean, well-groomed and the wonderful smell of eucalyptus (who likes it).
A very pleasant and soulful park. You can take a quiet walk and think about your own. The sea is clean, the air is fresh. Beautiful sculptures and fascinating old piers
The place is wonderful. It is popular for walking. It is especially pleasant to take a walk in the evening. Hug the trunk of a eucalyptus tree, take a gorgeous photo, walk along the embankment.
I was happy to visit this place! And I will come again! This place made an indelible impression on me: both in the promise of age-old memory, and with mighty trees! Very original, touching to the depths of the soul!
I was in Sukhum 7-8 years ago, the Makhajirov embankment has changed for the better, it has become illuminated, elegant. There are many benches for recreation. A great place for a promenade
The park is beautiful. The fountain is interesting. Cascading out of the wall. And inside there are dragons from the mouth of a jet of water. It looks rich and pleasant. The sea was rough. In general, the embankment looks very nice.
We really enjoyed walking among these huge giants, it was a unique experience ...
I have never seen a sequoia, but the diameters of the trunks of eucalyptus trees, their size and "shameless nakedness" amaze with their unusual beauty and grandiosity.
Bright memory, honor and praise to Nikolai Nikolaevich Rayevsky for the fact that He organized the planting of these beautiful trees 200 years ago!
And what delicious air there is...!!!
Very beautiful. There are shops. There are magnificent views for memorable photos. There is a free drinking fountain nearby, and there is also a paid toilet.
Walking in this park is one bliss, the air is saturated with eucalyptus so much that you can feel it, the eucalyptus trees are huge, striking in their power, a wonderful place in your beloved Sukhum.
I really love this place. In general, I love the combination of the smell of the sea and eucalyptus. A quiet place near the city of Sukhum, where you can enjoy the silence and nature. I highly recommend getting to this quiet place.....