There is no limit to the disturbances. The first situation: when an employee heard the problem, she said to write a statement that she would supposedly pass on and the problem would be solved. After the weekend, we went to another branch of the bank and found out that they did not know about any application, and in general, an application in our case is not necessary, this problem can be solved in a few minutes. The second situation: we came to the cashier, there are no coupons, we were told to sit and wait until we were called. There were 4 employees in the bank, and when we arrived there was only 1 visitor. 20 minutes have passed, a whole queue has already gathered at the checkout, but no one is called. We started to get indignant, to which the woman who said "sit and wait" builds a completely surprised look and says "what are you sitting for?". And then all the bank employees start laughing openly at us, it's a shock at all, and the cashier employee meets us with laughter and the question "why are you sitting? I do not know if there is a queue for me, and in general what 20 minutes, you have been waiting for me for only 10 minutes." There is a complete feeling that the employees of this branch of the bank have nothing to do at work and they openly mock customers.