Защита кузова от сколов и царапин! Оклейка полиуретановой антигравийной пленкой
Надежная защита кузова Вашего автомобиля! Полиуретановая пленка не заметна на кузове, хоть и имеет толщину 180 микрон(это толще, чем лакокрасочное покрытие), в то же время - пленка всегда эластична!
600 Br
Локальная покраска. Покраска деталей целиком
Устранение глубоких царапин, вмятины, мелкие очаги коррозии. Возможен ремонт геометрии деталей. Только ПРЕМИАЛЬНЫЕ материалы. ГАРАНТИЯ.
300 Br
АВТОСВЕТ. Замена и установка линз.
Устанавливаем современные светодиодные Bi-Led модули в любые фары!
Замена выгоревших линз на Bi-Led модули. Установка Bi-Led модулей в рефлекторную оптику.
Hello! I really liked this car service center! It is very important that every master who deals with the problem that we came to them with is a professional in his field. I also really liked that the managers and the administrator are no less expert than the craftsmen who do all the work. I recommend this place to those who do not want to pay twice, but want to get a high-quality result the first time!!!!
We asked for advice on the issue (the trunk door of the Renault grand scenic 4th generation does not close well) and said come and see. After the inspection, everything was explained. And they signed up for repairs. Before that, I called 5 service stations, no one even wanted to look (because they were used to only doing work where they didn't have to think). Thank you for being attentive to your customers! I recommend.
Everything is OK. No one in Vitebsk will do better than them. It has been tested by more than one machine, and in the words of the pickers, "We have not seen such quality for a long time." After aesthetics, the first one who arrived buys)))) And if for yourself, then there have never been any complaints either, over the past 4 years and more than 10 cars have been given away. We recommend it!