Розничная цена 1900 рублей
Акционная цена 1499 рублей
Есть возможность приобрести в рассрочку
Охлаждение и обогрев при температуре воздуха окружающей среды от -15 ℃. Многофункциональный трехслойный фильтр. Защита от утечки хладагента. Авторестар...
1499 Br
Сплит система Marsa RK-07MTA3
Функция "I FEEL", Ионизатор, Пульт ДУ, таймер и LED-дисплей, Защита от плесени и от холодного воздуха, Фильтр высокой плотности, эффективность класса А, Авторестарт, Огнестойкий электронный блок управления, Антикоррозийный корпус, Ночной режим
I want to express my great gratitude to Victoria's manager, she was in touch 24/7 and answered all my questions in great detail, and I had a lot of
them. She offered good options for me, for my area and budget, without trying to "squeeze" more expensive, for this special thanks)
also, many thanks to the air conditioner installer, incredibly pleasant, neat, answered all my questions, took out all the garbage and boxes after work, and vacuumed all the dust after himself, generally just 100 out of 10
from the approval of the air conditioner model to the installation in just a couple of days, I definitely recommend it!
the air conditioner was installed on 02/27/2025
I am writing thanks to the organization) during the season, without unnecessary movements and manipulations, it was possible to purchase and install climate control equipment. Specialists helped to choose the best equipment option, as well as helped to arrange an installment plan. The installation wizard quickly and efficiently installed the system blocks! It remains only to enjoy comfort on abnormally hot days!! Thanks) I will definitely recommend your company!!
competent specialists told the pros and cons of different models of air conditioners, how much is needed for our area, selected the most cost-effective option, also made the purchase in installments, a very pleasant bonus! A week later, air conditioners were installed, the work was done very carefully, all the garbage was collected, in general, the impressions were very pleasant, I definitely recommend it