About the main thing, the company has a terrible reputation among customers of facilities, the management is "poor" and not competent, terrible attitude towards workers (especially newcomers), more than half of the workers have alcohol dependence (and succumb to it in the workplace), if you know about labor protection, when applying here, forget about it, the salary is set by the foreman, and depends on the personal relationship with him, on business trips work goes even on general weekends on public holidays, as a "slave force" interns are exploited with maximum labor efficiency when paid much less than the minimum wage, payslips with a written list of completed work are not issued, and upon request consists of from one line with the amount, the use of the not convenient and not profitable "PRIORBANK" . And now about the secondary, the terrible gate on the side with a pseudo lock, instead of which the handle on a spring works, and the thawing style of the logo