Куртка женская плащевая прямого силуэта длиной до талии, на подкладке. На переде накладные карманы, застежка по борту на молнию. По низу изделия широкая резинка. Рукав длинный двухшовный, в нижней части локтевого шва отлетная шлица. По низу рукава...
399.06 Br
Блузка женская, прямого силуэта, с кокеткой и складками по спинке. В нижней части боковых швов разрезы. Застежка потайная на петли и пуговицы. Воротник со стойкой. Втачной рукав с притачной манжетой, собранной на резинку, и завязками.
279 Br
Пальто женское демисезонное, однобортное, прямого силуэта, длиной до середины бедра, Застежка до верху на 5 пришивных кнопок. Перед с функциональными карманами «щель». Рукав длинный, одношовный. Пальто из мехового трикотажного полотна, на подкладке.
The store on Pobedy Square, 2 in Gomel makes a very good impression. I went to choose a coat - the choice is very rich, for every taste and purse. I am incredibly glad that Natalia Grushunova, a sales consultant, served me: a great professional in her field!!! A very pleasant, sweet woman, a model of intelligence, patience and love for her work! She served me wonderfully, taking into account all the wishes, showing a lot of tact and correctness - just amazing service! I express my sincere gratitude to Natasha Grushunova, I wish her all the best! A wish to the management: it is desirable to expand the range of accessories, such as hats and gloves, since it is convenient for customers to immediately pick up a hat, beret, scarf, etc. for clothes.
A great Belarusian clothing store. I've shopped there more than once and the quality of the clothes was exceptional. Their prices are not the lowest, but they are quite adequate. If you are lucky enough to get to the promotion, then the discount will be significant. For example, in spring it is good to buy a winter jacket for the next season: the discount will be 20-30%.
The store is not bad at choosing clothes. But when there are discounts in this store, it is not indicated anywhere on the door. You'll find out by chance if you hear a conversation between the sellers. The seller is a brunette with a short haircut of an elderly age with glasses, always dissatisfied, never greets, a haughty face, as if they came to her house for salt. Unpleasant. I want to leave faster. But another seller, a pleasant blonde with long hair, smiles sweetly, greets, is interested in what anyone needs. I bought a coat, trousers and a blouse from her.