Additional features:payments to charities, payment of commercial tv, tks payment, ticketing, payment of fines stsi, payment of education, payment for security system, YooMoney refill, payment of communal services, payment of cellular communication, payment of internet access, payment of phone, online stores payment, payment of ip telephony, replenishment Troyka card, transfer to a brokerage account
Operations with accounts and cards:account status checking, transfering from card to card, transfering from card to deposit, loan payment, transfer between accounts
Ужасный терминал. С ним постоянно возникают проблемы!
Сегодня, в дополнение ко всем своим недостаткам, зажевал купюру и отключился. Теперь 2 недели будут разбираться и пытаться вернуть деньги. 🤬
Не советую пользоваться этим терминалом.