Ecobozor is located on beruniy a very large shopping center where you can find everything you need sometimes below the market price there shops make big discounts (not all) often I shop there
Convenient location, always clean. There are good shops like diva kids, kidspoint, women's shoe store at very low prices, you can find imported household chemicals. The fruit department is a sight, but the prices are biting.
Tovar narxini yozib qo’yishni taklif qilaman. Har kimga har hil narx aytib, sotuvchilar mijozlarni qochirib yuborishgan. Hozir bozor gavjum emas. 1 ta gugurt sotib olishga ham hamma korzinkaga boradi.
Tashqaridagi rastalarga dehqonlarni imtiyozli patta puli asosida jalb qilish kerak. Har kun ertalab 10 gacha ishlaydigan dehqon bozorchasi tashkil qilinsa, oluvchilarning ichkaridagi do’konlarga kirish ehtimoli oshadi.
Marketing bo’limini ishi sust
Good location, spacious Parking, friendly staff and security, many shops inside and catering outlets outside, while there are not so many customers, since the local population is used to buying goods at the Chorsu market.
Clean, tidy, quite a lot of fast food cafes, shopping carts are an excellent solution.
On the downside, not a lot of food, at all. The choice is average
It is convenient to get there. The eco-bazaar is located right at the exit of the Beruni metro station. There is a large parking lot for cars. The building maintains a microclimate, so it is comfortable inside at any time of the year. It's also very beautiful there.
The only thing I didn't like was the lack of price tags on most of the goods.
Convenient parking! A clean, cozy place where it is fashionable to find everything for home! Especially in winter it is very convenient. A closed room...
It cannot be compared with the ECO-bazaar in Chimgan in the Mirzo Ulugbek district. There is no assortment in this bazaar, but we could try. Somehow, the location inside the different shops in the middle of the building is not very comfortable.
I'm not happy with many things,
The sellers are kind of sluggish, rude and inexperienced
And I also want to add that it is more expensive for us there than at the bazaar or in the store
I've been here only 2-3 times. a really eco-friendly new format of modern bazaars. I especially liked the tea shops with a very large assortment. Everything is done wisely. They are almost as valuable as a supermarket.
Clear. Nicely.
Everything is three times expensive.
Everything is expensive.
Almost no one buys groceries.
It is much cheaper in the basket than on this ecobasar.
Like. You can stop by after work and make a purchase. Comfortable. Clear. Nicely. In general, all the conditions . I'm glad they opened it. I don't live far away.
Who knows, but I didn't like it. On the one hand, it is clean, beautiful, cool and pleasant in the end, but expensive.lack of control over perishable a meat boutique, it is generally unclear what is happening: goods without labels, without checks, without certificates.Be careful in the end
A modern type of market, this market has recently opened, is not yet operating at full capacity. And so it is a very convenient market, an alternative to unsanitary, motley traditional markets.
I often go there. The place is cool, relatively recently opened. I would like to have more shops, of course)
But what is already there now is also not bad)
the choice is small. This is an unusual bazaar, you will not find fruits and vegetables selected here, as in Chimgan or Alai. I wasted my time coming here
Something like a market under the roof. They don't issue checks. You need to look at the products fresh or not, it's still a bazaar. There are departments with household goods and clothing. There is a food court on the street.