Personally, I was there an institution of krch norms, for a wedding for a purely soldier, this is a VIP place and so the norms are 4 out of 5. Why didn't I put 5 well, sometimes they won't wipe the dust there, etc.
There are shops that you don't even want to go into at all. Sellers sometimes do not pay attention at all, until they are persistently treated, some young saleswomen generally ignore. The product is not packaged properly, there is no attention to pensioners. The other day I went to the store with my mother and asked her to take the product, my mother stood at the checkout for twenty minutes (I specifically noticed) I did not notice any attention from the seller, until they chatted with their friends. The service is not the same in all stores. There are also good places where it's nice to go, and they will meet you with a smile and the service is good, but alas, there are few of them.