Everything is there, but it's expensive. They enjoy a good location - Behind the bus stop, on the way to kindergarten, people come in with children or waiting for their bus. The room is small, cramped, and sometimes they play music to the fullest - so you can buy something at all, your head is bursting. I try not to go in there.
It's a cool store. At the first time of the year, three or four years ago, this store didn't really seem to me... after a while, I realized that the Druzhba store is the most excellent store in our area, since the prices there are the cheapest compared to all the others within a radius of five or six hundred meters. It's solid! (Verified) live example: at this time, a loaf costs 150-155 tenge everywhere. And there are 130 tenge. And so it is in any other product... so the choice is yours, friends!)))