Обучение вождению легковым автомобилем - право на вождение транспортных средств с массой до 3,5 тонн и количеством пассажирских сидений вместе с водительским до 8.
1049 Br
Категория «С-Д»
На данную категорию прав могут сдать лица, достигшие 21 года. Категория дает право управлять транспортным средством для перевозки пассажиров, количество мест которого более 8, помимо сиденья водителя. (разрешается использовать прицеп с массой до 750
689 Br
Категория «В-A»
На данную категорию прав могут сдавать лица, достигшие 18 лет. Категория дает право управлять мотоциклом (с рабочим объёмом двигателя свыше 125 куб. см).
I was trained in spring - summer. On July 1, the driving school is very wonderful, comfortable training conditions, tea, coffee, as much as you want. (you will not be able to fall asleep after work ) my special thanks to Olga Fedorovna, the theory teacher, this is the best and most wonderful teacher, in fact, Olga Fedorovna chose an individual approach to each cadet. It is always accessible, without unnecessary water, presents the material, explains to the last the points that are not available in understanding. My training was a pleasure, thanks to the driving instructor Yuri. I was satisfied with this driving school, if I go for an additional category, then only here. The class is new, the cars are new.
Great school! The material was taught in an accessible and understandable form, which is very important! Many thanks to the teacher, Olga Fedorovna! A wonderful man! I also thank instructor Nikolai Ivanovich very much for his patience, understanding and training! Studying at the Traffic Light driving school left the best and kindest memories.
Many thanks to Olga Fyodorovna , thanks to her talent to explain everything like children, I figured out the theory very quickly and passed the first time, as well as many thanks to instructor Yuri, it's a pleasure to ride with him , he explains it perfectly , the best instructor