Gasoline is getting more expensive all the time, you must agree, it has never been cheaper in our lives, and then I drive by and see that dostyk oil, gasoline is cheap.I seem to be a well-off person and seeing the cheapness, I drive by, and then my carelessness on the sensor shows zero fuel, okay, I think I'll stop by and refuel in small things, and here is a dozen tanker, polite and attentive!I filled the 92nd into my third outlander, and was amazed, the car is fast and unpretentious!That is, the fuel here is of high quality and by the way there is a 95th here, which for some reason became a deficit in the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 13, 2023!But I hope that these are temporary problems!On the network of these gas stations, you can pay with both a card and cash!In general, I really liked this gas station and the Kazakh guy who works there before moving to Karaganda from the Dubovsky pig complex!
Хорошая сеть заправок.
Бензин вполне приличного качества, по крайней мер е пока претензий нет. Заправляю и 92 и 95.
Привлекает ценой безусловно.
Один минус (но он естественным образом вытекает из плюса) - частенько очереди, пусть и не большие. ))) Мне нравятся их заправки. В Караганде, в 9 случаях из 10, заправляюсь у них.