I've been living here for a long time;))) There are pros and cons. Pros, this is a good location, near polyclinic #7, lyceum school #64, Magnum supermarket, cafes, beauty salons, hairdressers, etc. There is also a shopping range of vegetable pavilions, at reasonable prices,) A good choice!
Of the cons: it is too noisy and crowded, there is no parking, the yards are cluttered with cars. It's not safe for children. There are a lot of visitors and tenants, whose constant moving is annoying. They clutter up the whole entrance with their junk. The service from BI group is not the same as it used to be. In winter, yards are rarely cleaned of snow and ice. Huge ruts are formed from cars, which are dangerous for the elderly and children to move around. Garbage cans are constantly overflowing and too close to the residential area, they constantly stink and unsanitary conditions.
The neighbors are very very kind , they don 't shout at anyone , evil grandmothers don 't sit on benches and they don 't scold anyone
It's very noisy outside, that's the only downside.
It's not hot at all in summer, it's very good to live here, especially in summer
The houses are warm, the yard is not closed, shops and a pharmacy are nearby, the school and kindergarten are visible right from the window, but the elevator is very narrow, three people barely fit, and very old!
Whatever you name the ship, it will sail. Dostar - here neighbors are like friends, a residential area, an area for families. Many people, having moved from here, return again, or having sold apartments, still continue to live renting, a good area.
I live in this complex, the primary company from Biai group serves it well. But I lower my rating for the poor work of the district police officer, because the outrages in rented apartments do not stop, from this anyone can enter the entrance along with the apartments. And this complex is also filled with vehicles, the developer did not provide for this issue, although there is a large area behind the residential complex that can be equipped for parking. And so in this area there is everything necessary for life.
Well, as for me, the entrances are clean only in the morning because everyone is asleep at this time, and the cleaners are working. I go out to practice every day from my apartment to a clean entrance. But the downside is that the walls are dirty. As it is, everything is fine.
About the neighbors and sound insulation. You can't hear the sesame sounds, which is very good, but when they scream, you can hear them. At night, when I want to sleep, I hear a train. Thank God I don't hear the mosque singing at 3 a.m. I can't say anything about mosquito baiting, because I don't walk after 9:00.
By the way, about the playground. I'm always scared to hear the squeak of the swing. It would be good if they were replaced with the same ones as in Salamat (iron ones).
I forgot to say, 3 stars are worth it because there are bugs in the house, cockroaches that appear from the ventilation (figs knows) so I wash the floors either with white or with salt.
It is clean, the location is convenient, a good courtyard, the only inconvenience in all houses is the lack of Parking, the courtyards are clogged with cars. In 14-storey buildings there is enough, the audibility of neighbors is 80%. I can hear everything. This is very bad. There is no such thing in 9 floors, in particular 21/5, because the house is brick.