A very good garden, wonderful teachers, friendly staff, a lot of classes are held with children, various clubs, music, physical education. The child runs to the garden with great pleasure, and it's worth a lot!
How honey works in the garden.A sister? At the slightest ailments of the child (vomiting, loose stools?) They immediately call the parents with a request to pick up the child. They brought a healthy person to the kindergarten, and took away a type of sick person. And if there is grass in the garden with something, it's like. In my opinion, honey.the nurse should take the temperature and then take measures. Every parent works, and breaking away from work is both nerves and sideways glances at work. Do you agree? I would like to know the work schedule of the med.sisters and their responsibilities.
A beautiful garden. Responsive staff. Kind, resourceful, patient caregivers. Be attentive to all children. And they will feed and calm you down. Thank you Natalia Nikolaevna and Tatiana Vladimirovna, you are professionals in your field. A wonderful person is the head Svetlana Isakovna. And he will come to help the teachers dress the children, calm down if someone is sad, always with a smile on his face. And if necessary, she will personally wash the floors. And as you know, a lot depends on the bosses in the team. We like everything about you. Thank you all for your hard work, because the hardest job is to raise a person!
A wonderful center. All the staff are very friendly.Attentive and sincere educators. The child goes to kindergarten with great pleasure. There are a lot of additional classes.