Раствор для ухода за контактными линзами «RELINS®» PERFECT CLEANER, 30 мл
RELINS PERFECT CLEANER 30 мл удаляет протеиновые отложения и прочие загрязнения с поверхности линзы при ежедневной механической очистке жестких контактных линз.
26 Br1 pcs.
Капли увлажняющие с декспантенолом RELINS 10 мл
15 Br1 pcs.
Контейнер для ГПЛ
Контейнер для хранения жестких газопроницаемых контактных лин з. Контейнер состоит из двух отделений для каждой линзы, со специальными силиконовыми держателями для фиксации жестких линз внутри контейнера.
8 Br
Присоска для ГПЛ
Присоска для снятия и одевания жестких газопроницаемых контактных линз. Подходит также для снятия и одевания глазных протезов.
12 Br
Присоска для ГПЛ
Присоска для снятия жестких газопроницаемых контактных линз. Подходит также для снятия глазных протезов.
12 Br1 pcs.
Диагностическая оценка возможности применения метода ОРТОКЕРАТОЛОГИИ
70 Br1 pcs.
ОРТОКЕРАТОЛОГИЯ (первичный подбор - 1й год)
комплекс медицинских услуг и подбор ортокератологических (ночных) линз^
пара ок-линз + медицинские услуги (до 10 приемов) + стартовый набор (контейнеры, присоска, растворы для ухода и хранения линз, увлажняющие капли для глаз, инструкция, фильтр...
1450 Br1 pcs.
ОРТОКЕРАТОЛОГИЯ (повторный подбор - 2й год и далее)
Комплекс медицинских услуг и подбор ортокератологических (ночных) линз на 2й и последующие годы.
The clinic has questions about customer orientation and loyalty to its patients. It has always been felt. Only doctors and respect for them save, but not for the clinic. They can make an appointment with an intern doctor, and the administrators won't even warn you about it. I've been working with the clinic since the beginning, but somehow my frustration is only growing. It's cool that this is the first such clinic in the country, but fortunately it is no longer the only one with such services.
UPD: I was very pleasantly surprised how the senior management of the clinic is still not indifferent, and provides support and attention to their clients. All the questions were resolved and the feeling returned that it was not for nothing that I had previously advised a Kind look to my friends!
P.S. I am very glad to work in tandem with Dr. Yulia Gennadievna.
We applied for night lenses at this clinic. During the consultation with the doctor, the administrator entered the office, pushing a box with some contents with her foot. With a straight face, she opened the closet and began packing some boxes. She did it as loudly as possible, attracting attention to herself. After spreading it out, she left and returned a minute later, also pushing the box with her foot. We no longer heard what the two doctors were talking about, because two specialists are in the office at once. And the administrator packs the goods. When I asked her if she had many more boxes, the lady was slightly surprised at my impudence, but began to pack her goods more quietly. But when my child was put on lenses and asked to sit on the couch in the hallway with his eyes closed, the lady took out an adhesive tape and began wrapping it around the boxes. Creating the maximum possible noise curtain. We received a consultation, the doctor is competent. The lenses were ordered. But the administrator in this office is something, a complete lack of tact and politeness. But the administrator is the face of the clinic!
We have been observing the child at this center on Novovilenskiy Tract for almost a year now.We wear night lenses for the same amount.We are very satisfied with the result and the attitude of the staff.The clinic is small but cozy.We'll go get a new set soon.