A super stadium, everything for people. It remains only to put a running track and there will be 5 stars! - this was before. And now they have laid a new lawn, fenced off from the whole city with a fence and that's it. No one can run now, neither grandmothers nor grandfathers with sticks, neither on a bicycle nor on a roller. That's what they call an affordable sport.
It is necessary to organize an ice rink in the stadium in winter, separately so that they could ski, and so that a pool for children and adults, a gym so that everyone could access it, and in the new project the playground for lawn tennis, volleyball, basketball will most likely be empty, and in general is there any sense from football for health? besides commercial? it will also be empty and it would be good if the rubber coating did not stink in the heat and was toxic...
A good room for practicing mini football, only the walls are a little uneven, it's hot in summer, the windows can't be opened high or closed without a high staircase, there are benches too close to the football area that create discomfort