Проведение государственного технического осмотра (легковой, с двигателем работающим на бензине, с колёсной формулой 4х2)
42 Br
Разрешение (Дазвол)
Получение разрешения на допуск транспортного средства к участию в дорожном движении в электронной форме посредством единого портала электронных услуг «Е-Паслуга»
It is very convenient that you can sign up online. You arrive at your own time, you are greeted by excellent staff. If something is wrong, everything will be explained and prompted in an accessible way. I definitely recommend this station for technical inspection!
Convenient location. There's probably one station that works on weekends. Specialists know their duties, and drivers are treated politely during the inspection. I liked everything.
Thank you for the competent and fast service! very good service, excellent staff, everything was suggested and helped. The inspection was completed in 20 minutes, and they also helped to set up the headlight. Thanks again.