It took place on 12.03.21 at about 17.30. The queue is small (10 cars). It's all about the case, no quibbles. It took 1 hour (well, maybe a little more, because I didn't accurately time the total time). But at 18.35 I was free.
I will add that I arrived without any prior records.
The carriage house is a good service station, everything is done well and quickly!!! Thanks
See original
Made in RB
Level 14 Local Expert
February 5, 2022
I recommend everyone to come here for a technical inspection. There are discount coupons on the cream. It's getting easier and faster every time. Well done!
The inspection of passenger cars is perfectly organized! Everything is fast, clear, and polite!
I advise everyone to pass a technical inspection only here.
We pass only here!!!
Thank you!
I passed a technical inspection on a new car, without checking in to the line, the numbers were checked and released with God.
everything is very fast, people work kindly)
I was undergoing a technical inspection. There was one. It's not fashionable now. So, out of joy, the workers checked EVERYTHING they could. It's good that I've prepared myself. It's a good station.
Quickly, without queues, he passed both on his own and on his work. You just need to look at the schedule so that you don't get on a break. And of course, you can't pay the fee on the spot, you need to look for a bank or post office.
I really liked the inspection, everything was done promptly, without unnecessary quibbles, pointed out the shortcomings (minor), adjusted the headlight themselves, I advise you to come here. Thanks!
I really liked it.!it did not pass immediately, but everything was explained and told in an accessible way., it passed the second time.Thanks a lot to the staff