We visited this garden about 8 years ago. The first teacher was a very nice girl. The child ran with joy to the garden (he was not even ill almost) then our teacher went on maternity leave and another one came to us, it was a quiet horror. I don't want to say a lot of bad things, but if the teacher doesn't like children, then why go to work with kids. The child refused (to the point of hysteria) to go to the garden, began to get sick all the time. When I even went to school, I avoided this garden.
Great garden! Very cozy and clean inside. Wonderful teacher Irina Nikolaevna! There are no fees. A good headmistress. Even one of the male janitors is always smiling and positive!) The only thing I would like is more diverse pieces for children to play on playgrounds.
The material base of the garden is not important, but this is not the main thing!! My second son had a wonderful educator Irina Nikolaevna Polkovnikova - she is a great smart girl!!! Now the third son goes to the nursery and the teachers are also very sensitive and caring!