Oksana Nikolaevna is a wonderful head, who is primarily concerned about children and their well-being, not their parents' wallets. It is clear that a person loves his job. I would also like to express my special gratitude to the teacher and nanny of nursery group No. 1: Svetlana Petrovna and Olga Gennadievna. This is the second child who goes to them. Both are always happy to go to kindergarten. In my opinion, you can safely set an example of a teacher: they are moderately strict, they can say no to a child and explain why. I have never heard tantrums in the group, there are no shouts and threats from the leaders. The entire administration is focused on the favorable development of children. Kindergarten on 10 out of 10
A fabulous garden with a friendly and excellent team! Children have holidays all the time, right up to carols. The pool with Elena Leonidovna is above all praise. My daughter spent all 3 years walking away with pleasure. I learned not only to swim, but also to dive, to feel confident on the water.