Excellent music school. Studied guitar for 5 years. All teachers are masters of their craft, kind, polite, responsible, literate people. I would especially like to highlight my teacher Ilya Viktorovich, who is a concert performer in the Stary Olsa group and a guitar and lute tutor.
I strongly advise you to go to him!
Super professional teachers, the best concert venues for competitions and concerts, a large selection of specialties (if I'm not mistaken, about 35 types of musical instruments), and as many as 4 choral groups, including folk and boys choir. The best music school!!!
Отдайте сюда ребенка и веселая жизнь вам обеспечена)))) Не только вам, но и соседям) Аемли серьезно — очень хорошая музыкальная школа, возможно, лучшая...