Можно записаться вместе с другом, мужем/женой или коллегой и выполнить профгигиену вдвоём за 190 рублей!
Комплекс профессональной чистки зубов включает 4 этапа:
— консультацию врача-стоматолога
— ультразвуковую чистку
— полировку
— фторирование
190 Br
Установка классического имплантата компании Megagen Anyone (Корея) стоимость 750р
Установка имплантата премиум класса компании Megagen Anyridge ( Корея) стоимость 950р
Установка формирователя десны
стоимость 250р
1000 Br
Профессиональное офисное отбеливание Beyond Polus на обе челюсти
Один из наиболее эффективных, быстрых и щадящих способов отбеливания, который подходит пациентам с повышенной чувствительностью зубов.
280 Br
Клкт верхней и нижней челюстей (3d снимок)
Конусно-лучевая компьютерная томография верхней и нижней челюстей
38.1 Br
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта
Ультразвуковая чистка + чистка зубов по технологии Air Flow + покрытие зубов фторсодержащим лаком
I took a picture in dentamari, conveniently and quickly. This is the only service that I can mark well. I would give 5 stars for this!
I was looking for a place where I would take a picture and be able to cure my teeth properly.
Photo consultation is free of charge. I found out the price of the treatment, and signed up. (that's where I would give 1 star)
The appointment is in a month and a half (I signed up for two dates), 1 entry as soon as there is a place during the week. When I called several times and asked about the recording, the administrator(s, or whatever it is for the few people I talked to) did not know about any recording. I urgently needed to treat one of my teeth.
Of course, no one took me in, no one called, half a month passed, during which time one tooth became inflamed and was urgently removed (the filling was broken off). And anyway, I doubt that I was really recorded...and after a month and a half, I'm afraid that there will simply be nothing left to treat. I'm still looking for dentistry.
Sincere thanks to the orthopedist! I installed the crown on the implant. Clearly. Quickly. Carefully. Polite and pleasant communication. High quality of services! Well done.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Dentamari Clinic and all the staff!!! We were serviced with our spouse, we were satisfied with both the quality of work and the prices!!Yes, I had to travel, because we are from the Russian Federation.But it was worth it!!!Attentiveness, efficiency, tact and 100% knowledge of your business!!! Keep it up !!!