One of the best dentists, equipment, materials and staff, everything is on top. The prices are average, the opening hours are convenient, they work on Saturdays and holidays
A truly bouquet of talented specialists has been assembled, and a wonderful service has been provided.
I recommended it to my family and friends, everyone was satisfied. Thanks to Andrey Nikolaevich Dost, Anastasia Ivanovna Sukhotskaya.
I write more than once. About this one. A private clinic. I have to tell you. That the staff that serves patients with such a simple disease as teeth. He is very attentive. To each individually. I must say that with understanding. And you can even say advice. With a client. The doctor suggests one option. And he also offers another option, and you start thinking what will be more convenient for you, and when you start consulting with a doctor, you come to the option that is really more convenient for you, and this always captivates me. Andrei Nikolaevich really suggests, maybe, a rational one. the method is in the formulation of our disease, but. since also a certain age, you do not always understand the need that there is some kind of proposal and you begin to think that it is simpler, that it is not painful. And when the doctor listens and makes some specific professional suggestions of his own, the client who is being served remains satisfied with what they are doing. A well-coordinated team. Who works in this small private clinic, and everything goes their way, no queue, everything is clearly specific. Congratulations to all of our lovely ladies from February 23rd and March 8th. There are few men, but they play a significant role in this clinic, although without. our lovely ladies, you just can't do it there. Good luck to everyone.