They don't let you get to the house by car. I had to carry things on foot, and this is over the hills, even that tin!!
During the 4 days that I rested, the water was turned off several times and at the most inopportune moments, either in the morning, not to wash or in the afternoon at lunch. The old pipes were talking. In general, the water is warm, the views are beautiful.
Forewords I often rest like a savage, I am used to harsh conditions, here they also take about the same amount of money.The living conditions are disgusting, it's better in its own way, but the nature is very beautiful.I was in 22, the toilet was somewhere on the mountain at night, one light bulb was burning like a lighthouse, as soon as it gets dark, strange murmuring can be heard near the houses.On the open veranda attached to the house, which overlooks the lake, a friend fell through the floor, almost broke his leg, there were rotten boards.