Payment method:prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, installment, cashless payment
Promotions:special offers
Type of furniture:custom made for the kitchen, custom made for children's room, custom made for the living room, custom made for the bedroom, custom made for the bathroom, tables, dressers, wardrobes, bedside tables, beds
We wanted to order furniture. When we came to the store, no one paid attention to us. Without offering any options, they said they were making very expensive furniture, and that was the end of the conversation. Apparently, the well-being of visitors is determined by their appearance. The impressions are so-so from this salon.
I want to say about this place. I wanted to order an entrance hall according to my sketches and sizes. At first, they looked at me as someone who had no money. Although there is always plenty of money. I advise you to go to another salon.
Поставил рекомендацию, потому что там работает преподаватель с Ж.д. Техникума у которого я учился. Хотя я могу ошибаться...
Он в этом магазине просто продавец или ИПшник... не знаю... Но почему-то именно этот магазин у меня ассоциируется с ним.
А реальных покупок у там не делал.