I got sick: The store in the Stolitsa shopping center moved to a huge room designed for sports customers with excellent eyesight. To find and buy the right product, you will have to circle a couple of kilometers around the trading floors. The cash register is in the first one, at the entrance, you need to go back for payment, then back for the goods (a decent distance, especially if the person is elderly or has sore legs). When asked to take the goods to the cashier, or to give the opportunity to pay at the exit, the answer is "Our legs hurt too", "What if you steal". (and this is in the complete absence of other customers in the store).
Search for a sales consultant in the second room :
It's better to shout "Ow!"
There's no one in sight. They're sitting there somewhere, hiding, and doing something of their own. They won't fit on their own, you'll have to look for kilometers. And if your eyesight is not very good, then you will not find it quickly.
Attitude : It may be good for those who buy a lot and expensively. I don't know.
But if you came for a non-woven fabric, fleece, or cotton top, you shouldn't count on professional correctness. It's nothing at best.
If you are not going to give up the cross and spoil your nerves, then it is better to buy the right product elsewhere.
I was pleased with the range of fabrics and accessories. I found the perfect fabric for my evening dress. Thanks to the sellers for their help in choosing.
Plus, there is parking in the Capital, which is good news.
I really liked the store. A wide range of fabrics, there is plenty to choose from. If you can't decide, the consultants will always help. I would especially like to cancel Irina's consultant. Who helped to choose the best fabrics and answered all your questions.