Mehmonxona yaxshi. Sharoitlar qilingan. Narxi ham arzon nisbatan. Va aynan mehmonlar uchun juda qulay. Ayniqsa Toshkent va Toshkent tomondan keladigan mehmonlar uchun juda yaxshi variant. Ayniqsa menga yoqqan jihatlari adminlarni muomalasi, xonadagi sharoit, xususan hammomi va zavtrak uchun ham yaxshi tayyorgarlik qilingan.
Everything is quite bearable. One of the advantages is that you can smoke in the room. Minus the TV shows only local channels, although there is a set-top box called digital. TVs are so ancient that there is not even an hdmi connector.. there are no disposable slippers, toothbrushes. There are cockroaches running around in the fridge.
Not really, it's already kind of old, sorry, but there's a smell of moisture in the building, it's stuffy in the corridors and rooms, the walls are narrow