A wide range of products and, what is not a little important to me, very polite sellers will advise and tell you everything. And the prices are good.
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наталья баровская
Level 4 Local Expert
July 26, 2021
The store does not have parking, which is extremely inconvenient.And if you skip the parking lot behind the building, you will have to walk with your feet to the store for a long time. But you can park near the Real center, which is behind the building. The assortment is small. There are very few interchangeable drugs.
Despite this, the team is nice and responsive, which is a bonus for the buyer.
A very developed and flexible business policy (agricultural group). Everything can be negotiated. A very pleasant host and very competent staff. A wide range of products related to farming from A to Z. SUCCESS!!!
The store is at the highest level. There is everything according to the profile. The sellers are very pleasant and polite. Who else has not been, be sure to visit. You won't regret it.