Протезирование зубов с использованием драгоценных металлов в стоматологии CRYSTAL DENT.
В протезировании используются следующие виды сплаво...
February 26, 08:10
Врачи хирургического отделения нашей стоматологической поликлиники занимаются не только удалением зубов, но и проводят зубосохраняющие опера...
November 28, 2024, 10:23
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Products and services
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Лечение и реставрация зубов
Лечение и реставрация зубов, установка виниров, шинирование, лечение заболеваний пародонта и др;
1 Br
Хирургическая стоматология
Врачи хирургического отделения нашей стоматологической поликлиники занимаются не только удалением зуба (ов), но и проводят зубосохраняющие операции, установку имплантатов.
1 Br
Отбеливание зубов
Отбеливание зубов лампой Bluedent
1 Br
Протезирование с помощью съемных и несъемных конструкций
В ОАО «Бел Стом Кристал» физиотерапевтический кабинет предлагает спектр следующих услуг:
- Магнито-лазерная терапия;
- Магнито-аккустическая терапия;
- Светотерапия;
- Дарсонваль;
- Кварц;
- Ультразвук;
- Электрофорез.
1 Br
Рентгенодиагностика зубов
Новейшее рентгенологическое оборудование ORTHOPHOS SL 3D. Прицельная дентальная и КЛКТ (3D-рентгендиагностика)
1 Br
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта – научно обоснованная система профилактических мероприятий, направленных на оздоровление органов и тканей полости рта, профилактику возникновения и прогрессирования стоматологических заболеваний.
1 Br
Профилактика стоматологических заболеваний
Посетив профилактический осмотр в нашей клинике - Вы заблаговременно позаботитесь о здоровье и красоте своей улыбки
1 Br
Имплантация зубов
Дентальная имплантация и протезирование на имплантах
1 Br
Протезирование золотом
Гарантийный срок на зубные протезы из драгоценных металлов устанавливается один год.
I won't say about all the specialists. But Oksana Grigorievna Moroz, a paradontologist, is a wonderful specialist who knows her job, is pleasant and very positive. Thank you for the saved gum and bone, and for the competent consultations concerning not only the gums, but also the teeth.
For the second time I did not wait for an appointment with a periodontist, five years ago I waited 40 minutes and watched my employees come in one after another, then sent from other offices, yesterday I arrived again at the appointed time, only another person came in, waited 15 minutes and left, I do not want to wait half an hour, this is by appointment and for a fee, I think that it is necessary to adhere to the schedule, I have not seen this in other clinics, even in my 39th polyclinic, everything is on time.
On the 26th, I got to the appointment on time, and after me two people came for the same time, the doctor sets the time, and the registry, they do not have a common network, so there are always overlays.
The doctors are good, the treatment is effective.
Hello, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with this clinic, so that other people would not come across such terrible doctors.
1. my appointment was at 11:00, I waited 30 minutes, and even more, although I just came for a consultation.
2. the nurse came out of the office, and began to call my last name in a loud voice.It made me feel uncomfortable.
3. when I sat down in the chair, I immediately said that I was interested in only 2 front teeth, as a result, the doctor: Wojciechowska, began to tell me that how I did not brush my teeth correctly, that I needed to put braces, although the question was different, I came to a consultation, and immediately said which ones I am interested in teeth when I did not ask about the two front teeth , the doctor : Wojciechowska said she did not know, it was necessary to go to an orthopedist , but when I went into the office and showed a picture and said that I was only interested in 2 teeth , why was I not immediately sent to another doctor.and if the doctor: Wojciechowska decided to consult me, then why didn't she do it completely, didn't say which paste was better, which toothbrush, which dental floss, I didn't hear any of this from her, but only swearing in my direction and not good statements, and also paid money for it, that she just I looked at it and said that I have caries, and I need to put braces on, thank you very much, but I didn't know!!!!! There is an unfriendly hypocritical atmosphere in the clinic. Horror, horror, horror, I do not recommend this clinic.