Атличны магазин, я сибе там купляу наски, кофту и штаны хэбэшныя. А жонки купили тужурачку и камплект биля. Дык усе харашо носица и приносьць нам тока ралюдасць
It's just terrible, the global card was said that it was not valid, but okay, it's still not mine, but my wife's, and the discount they offer in the new discount system is not even worth paying attention to. Finally, the answer of the "seller" was finished off, apparently, by the elder, that he did not have money for change because he handed over the collection, due to the fact that this unique had difficulties, I did not make the purchase there. I highly recommend it, I will bypass it, this network has never been different in quality.
A cool store of inexpensive stylish clothes. A mass market where you can find something for your everyday wardrobe. Constant promotions, discount program, competent consultants!