We drove to Cola Beach in Cancona County from Cabo de Rama Fort another 9-10 km south for 20 minutes. in a rented car. The road to the end of the way was dusty and unpaved. The descent turned out to be down rocky steps to the beach, less steep than to Cabo Beach.
The beach is unusual and beautiful: white sand, emerald water, a lot of bungalows on the side a little at a height, several cafe-shacks a little to the side. Swimming on the beach is not very comfortable because of the sharp stones rising above the water. There were no sun loungers here, and there were a lot of fishing boats. A river with a calm current with cool fresh water flows into the sea here, on which kayaking for tourists is developed. How many emotions did we get while kayaking : on both banks of the palm river, peace and grace, only the splash of oars is heard! We found out the cost of living in a bungalow: 3000 INR per day for 2 people, amenities and outdoor shower, air conditioning is available inside.