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February 28, 11:01
Updated: March 5
Брауни Рокслайд
7 Br75 g
Донат Карамель
4.5 Br100 g
Кофейный напиток итальянской кухни на основе эспрессо с добавлением в него подогретого до 65 градусов вспененного молока
4.5 Br300 ml
Кофейный напиток на основе молока, представляющий собой трёхслойную смесь из молочной пены, молока и кофе эспрессо. Является идеальным выбором для любителей кофе, которые предпочитают более мягкий и молочный вкус
4.5 Br300 ml
Раф кофе
Горячий кофейный напиток на основе эспрессо, ванильного сахара и жирных сливок. Является отличным выбором для любителей кофе, которые предпочитают более мягкий и кремовый вкус
It was a very good place until today. Previously, the staff I knew worked and the coffee, the service, the attitude were at a very good level. But I do not know by what coincidence they started hiring completely incompetent employees. Today, as a few days earlier, I meet a guy in glasses, thin, at the barista's place, and for the umpteenth time I get not delicious coffee and observe a disregard for both customers and coffee.
I do not recommend this coffee shop
Hello! I'm very upset about this coffee shop. I used to go there every day after work; two pretty girls worked, and now a guy. Well, okay, I have no complaints about him, but the girl Masha (according to the cry of friends) is a boor. He communicates with friends in the workplace, ignoring the guest, being rude. The foam on the cappuccino is like soap, full of bubbles. Dirt and crumbs where the lids are. I ask the management of this network to take control of this employee.
A very atmospheric coffee shop. Recently in the summer, a barista appeared, a pleasant young girl. I often come in the evenings, my politeness lifts the mood after a working day. Very pleasant