What I brought to the girls at the atelier: an old but beloved sweatshirt (they sewed a new one even more beautifully, took into account all the wishes), a coupon with a bright and incredibly cute print, accidentally seen and bought by me in the store (they sewed a blanket of fantastic beauty and the same quality from it, masterfully increasing the size around the perimeter), bought for atomic money, a baby jumpsuit that sat disgustingly on the baby (not just removed the length and width, but also did it in a day and gave it away with the words: "We wanted to hurry up, you should wear it"), etc., etc. And every time it's fast, polite, and high-quality. So, having accidentally got there once, I have been going to the girls from Sukharevo for two years already. The best! And I have something to compare it with...
I often use the services of this studio. In order not to bring it for repair, everything is always done super efficiently and super quickly. The staff is polite, they will always offer options for fixing a defect or repair. I highly recommend it
A small room, there is an urgent service service, there is a discount system. My order was urgently fulfilled with high quality. The staff is polite. Since there are clearly not many employees working in the studio, and the area is being populated, then there will be more downloads in the future, respectively, and the deadlines for completing orders will probably stretch. For today, if you urgently need to "put your pants on", then it takes about 30 minutes in terms of time.