I came to the reception, the first office on the left, here the technician washed the floors with a dirty rag, the male doctor took me right away, asked me everything about my illness, told me to wait 5 minutes until he prepared the medicine, gave me one white, the other dark, without any tests. There is no reception, no cash register. I paid 19,000 tenge.I came home and opened plastic jars without any inscription, in one there was Vishnevsky ointment, in the other by the smell of losterine. I did not go to this parody of the clinic anymore, I gave the money for nothing.
An excellent doctor, figured everything out, prescribed tests, prescribed treatment-what to drink and how much, made the ointment himself! He recommended to undergo a gastroenterologist, a urologist, and already in the complex, based on the results of the examination, adjusted the intake of some drugs. Now my skin is practically healthy!!! Thank you, Vladimir Yurievich!!!
A cozy private clinic where professionals work has been contacted several times over the years: either my husband's back was sprinkled, he could not move, then the children had incomprehensible peeling on their hands, then she got sick herself, and every time, these are understanding, responsive doctors, affordable medicines and one hundred percent recovery.. I recommend it from the bottom of my heart! Olga Ivanova.