Bugun 11.12.24 ertalab soat 3:40 larda tez yordamga telefon qilib, 40 isitma tufayli 1 yosh bolam bilan 5-infeksion shifoxonaga kelib yotdik. Sharoit rasvo. Xonalar juda sovuq. Xona ichidagi harorat termometrda 12-14 ni ko'rsatib turibdi. Derazadan shamol kirib turgani hatto jalyuzini qimirlatib turibdi. Shumi shamollagan bolaga ko'rsatiladigan yordam? Quyosh chiqquncha bolamni qulog'iyam og'rib qomasin deb ro'mol o'rab ham qo'ydim. Isitish batareyasi judayam paaast. Kiyimchamizni isitishga qoygandim hamshira kelib mumkinmas deb janjal qildi. Qayerda ham quritay tez tez terlayotgan bolaga quruq issiq kiyim kerak-ku! O'ta saviyasiz yordamchi hodimlar 👎🏻 postellarni aytmasam ham boladi. Boshimga shamol tegyapti yana bitta yopinishga biron nima bering desam bizda unaqa narsa yo'q berib bo'ldim deb kesatib ustimdan kulib ketti. Bu qanaqa joy o'zi tushunmay ham qoldim. Umuman kelib davolanadigan, umuman qadam bosadigan joy emas sog'lig'ini o'ylaydigan odam uchun.
I got to this wonderful clinic on an ambulance call. I haven't seen the parking lot, I can't describe it. No help was provided either. In the waiting room, the nurse took out a test tube from the refrigerator, in which a stick of aluminum wires was rolled up, cotton wool with a bandage was wrapped on top. How many fifth points has this reusable thing been to before me? And this is an infectious diseases hospital!? It is there that you can get the infection. And for free. There are so many programs for the development of medicine, and here the stick is reusable. After this proposed tool, the desire to stay there disappeared. She ran away from there, snatching her passport. She was treated at home.