We took the synnabons with chocolate - it's too sweet, there's enough cream, but the chocolate doesn't taste good. One bite and you're in a diabetic coma, even coffee can't numb you. And a latte with coconut syrup is not worth the money at all. The syrup is diluted, from 40 ml of syrup to 30 ml of water.
And the request to the organization is to arrange a separate table with the delivery of orders, it is inconvenient to stand on a small heel with a person who orders and who picks up his coffee.
The worst cinnabons in town. Dry dough, little cream, buns seem to have been lying in the window for several days. When asked to change to fresh buns, the girl simply warmed them up again, which naturally did not change the situation. We were very upset when we came here, although we love Cinnabon products very much and constantly buy them in other places.
On weekdays, they work on imported rolls at the Palazzo and warm them up when they are served- in principle, they are normal, and on weekends, like everywhere else, they are cooked on site and served fresh. According to the staff, the specifics of the shopping center are that there are few visitors on weekdays