IT'S TERRIBLE!! for 700 lire, they only have a dirty hammam with nowhere to lie down, multi-use, dirty slippers, wet towels and terrible staff!! There is a terrible atmosphere inside, everything is dirty and old, girls and women are quarreling with each other about who will wash the next client! The atmosphere is not relaxing, but rather oppressive, everyone is yelling, shouting, THERE is NOWHERE TO LIE IN THE HAMMAM!! AS A RESULT, we don't get the promised massage FOR 700 lire (they said only for an EXTRA FEE), there is no pool, nothing! Just a dirty hammam with nowhere to lie down, and screaming staff. THAT'S NOT WHAT KILLED ME! And the fact that there is only one hair dryer for the entire hammam! I was drying my hair, and I see a woman looking at Pena from behind, as if cursing me with her eyes (apparently she didn't like me), then she starts yelling at me, saying I've had enough of drying my hair! please note it's WINTER outside, I dried my hair for a maximum of a minute, then she started yelling at me, my sister came out, who knows Turkish, then they started arguing with each other, THE EMPLOYEE SAID THAT IF I DIDN'T STOP DRYING MY HAIR, SHE WOULD PULL IT OUT FOR ME, we were all shocked, what kind of yelling at us I mean, because I was just drying my hair, Girls, as a person who has had meningitis, I can say that not drying my hair is the most terrible thing, you can get sick instantly , I just didn't want to get sick and waste my rest, but I got mats, name-calling in my direction In stamblula, the price is cheaper, there are much better hamams, in hotels, for example, with pools, disposable accessories, massage, friendly staff and a HAIRDRYER.🤣🤣🤣😅😅
The hammam is old, built in 1640. The staff of the hammam is about the same age as the hammam))). We had a good time, we need it for general development. They offer full body peeling/scrub and soap massage.
There is no hygiene. Neglected. Employees are immediately looking for bags and sending. I don't recommend it. It is deplorable that such a historical work has become like this.