Бургер с насыщенным вкусом говядины в соусе пульгоги, с добавлением сыра, огурцов, салата и спайси соуса
2100 ₸
Набор панчхан
Микс из корейских закусок: кимчи, белого маринованного дайкона и битых огурцов
1200 ₸
Картофель Фри
Хрустящий картофель в соусе на выбор
990 ₸
Битые огурцы
В остром маринаде
500 ₸
Острая квашеная капуста
500 ₸
Желтый дайкон
В кисло-сладком маринаде
500 ₸
Лист салата
400 ₸
Паровая булочка
200 ₸
Том ям с курицей
Острый суп с курицей, помидорами черри и грибами. Подаётся с рисом
2700 ₸
Чиз Рамен
Насыщенный сырный бульон с классической лапшой для рамёна и кусочками сочной курицы.Подается с тягучим сыром чеддер, яйцом, зеленым луком, водорослями нори и кунжутом.
A very pleasant cafe, designed in a Korean modern style, the interior fully reflects the spirit of k-pop and street style Korea. And the photos of the zone and the figures of your favorite performers complement the positive impression, and it is simply impossible not to take at least a few photos. The menu is bright and concise, you can eat a full meal, have a snack, or enjoy bubble tea with dessert. The staff is friendly, polite, they will help you navigate the menu, tell you the composition, advise you what is better to choose if you do not understand Korean cuisine. The food is delicious. There is a free Korean broth for everyone. The island of Korea in Astana, I definitely advise all fans.
Chicko is a real cozy and most comfortable house for the whole fandom (anime, kpop, dorama) and with excellent staff. We are always pleased with various contests, events and this is a huge plus. And the atmosphere, design, music are a separate kind of art. In a word, it is a heavenly, sweet, cozy corner of our city.(I really liked the event with tht, figures, cards and especially their menu straight mua mua, cheese tokpoki taehyung, binsu subin, milk shake bomgyu (I forgot the names of the dishes of Kai and yejun) it was super duper delicious. And yesterday's random dance will always remain a wonderful memory in my heart.)
The kitchen has very much slipped down, unfortunately ((( I thought so only in Chico on Rozybakiev, but it seems to be a pattern (((
P.S cheese kimpab on the menu, in video reviews and cheese kimpab that brings this expectation and reality 😂 in general, everything that is on the menu and what brings expectation and reality, it's a pity, I was ready to overpay for the quality and atmosphere, but alas, there is no desire for terrible food and drinks