Комплексный подбор автомобиля по заданным параметрам с гарантией по всей Беларуси.
Работаем до результата.
1500 Br
Разовый осмотр Автомобиля
Осмотр одного автомобиля, который выбрал заказчик.
Стоимость актуально в следующих городах: Брест, Минск, Гродно, Гомель, Могилёв, Витебск, Полоцк, Барановичи, Пинск, Молодечно, Бобруйск, Лида, Солигорск, Мозырь.
Good day! We would like to thank CheckAuto. We bought a wonderful car, and after hearing my wish to give it to you for the New Year, we completed the selection as soon as possible (7 days). The employees are professionals in their field. We carried out a high-quality review of each of the proposed cars: photo, video reviews, text comments, voice messages describing all the nuances of the car and a final conclusion about the offer to buy / not buy. Moreover, the company accompanied the transaction in the MREO. This is not the first time we have applied and we are satisfied with the result every time. We intend to apply in the future. Thanks to CheckAuto for their help, competence in your work, as well as correct communication with customers/sellers
This is not the first time I have applied for a selection (this is the 3rd car). I can't imagine now without the help of the guys)They work quickly and clearly, and the amount of information about the car they receive solves all questions about buying or rejecting the option.Saving time and money for the buyer))) Good luck to you, you're doing a good job.
I ordered an inspection from this company in the city of Brest. I am in the Russian Federation myself, so I especially needed those who can be trusted. They responded quickly and got to work, contacted the seller, and went for an inspection. They were pleasant to talk to. We answered all the questions. They work professionally and honestly. Thanks!