The store itself is not bad, but the seller is still rude, it used to be much better than it is now, the sellers were friendly and not rude like now, the service is at zero.
An expensive assortment, which can be understood (claims to be the original assortment of tea from the Asian region). What cannot be understood is the persistent assurance of the buyer that the owner sold me exactly milk oolong and the store owner "feels the original smell in it", but in my opinion it is quite obvious - devoid of a characteristic aroma. And he also sold an expensive "patented" teapot, in which the ball valve stopped working a week later
Prepayment is taken and the goods are not sent, when contacting technical support they say that they were sent - then they simply ignore it, but there is no product. When I ask when it will come, they say they don't know, then they ignore it again. I don't recommend it.
The shop is like a shop...The owners dreamed of a cool business, but something went wrong...Now the population of the Republic of Belarus is not up to tea and coffee...