Блюдо сочетает в себе нежность мяса и сочность овощей. Оно создаёт ощущение домашнего уюта и тепла. Золотистое тесто придаёт дымляме особый вкус и пикантность
590 с500 g
Нежные кусочки говядины, обжаренные до золотистой корочки, подаются с картофелем по-деревенски. Сырный соус и чеддер придают бифштексу пикантный вкус. Получается сочное и ароматное блюдо
490 с400 g
Котлеты по-домашнему с пюре
Мягкое говяжье мясо измельчено и сформировано в котлеты. Нежное пюре дополняет блюдо, придавая ему насыщенный вкус. Котлеты получаются сочными и аппетитными
390 с250 g
Алатские самсы
Блюдо сочетает в себе нежность и пикантность. На тарелке — небольшие порции из слоёного теста с начинкой из говядины, лука и помидора
Мягкие кусочки говядины прекрасно сочетаются с насыщенным вкусом овощей. В аромате чувствуются тонкие нотки пряностей. Мясо нежное, с лёгкой остротой
590 с400 g
Азиатский том ям с морепродуктами
Блюдо сочетает в себе нежность и пикантность. На тарелке — ароматный бульон с добавлением кокосового молока, в котором плавают креветки, кальмары, шампиньоны, мидии. Пикантность вкусу придают стебли лемонграсса. Дополняет картину варёный рис
560 с400 g
Суп-лапша по-домашнему
Блюдо сочетает в себе нежность и насыщенность. На тарелке — ароматный бульон с добавлением домашней курицы, в котором плавают полоски лапши и кубики картофеля. Лук и морковь придают вкусу сладковатую пикантность, а специи завершают композицию
This is the first time I've had such a negative experience and the first time I've left a negative review.
1. The quality of the food: in the shurp, instead of meat, there was a piece of either skin or veins, I still did not understand. In the Caesar salad, the chicken pieces were frozen, the recipe of the salad as a whole was broken, there were no tomatoes, and so on. First, I ordered borscht and dumplings, they were not available.
2. The institution, apparently, avoids paying taxes: the manager said that cards are not accepted for payment. It turned out not at the entrance to the institution, but after I said that I would go to the hotel (a couple of minutes walk) to charge my phone (the institution does not offer charging). I had to go to an ATM to withdraw money.
3. When I returned a couple of minutes later, without my knowledge, my order and things were moved by the staff to another table, sitting down with another guest, since according to the manager there was a full boarding in the restaurant. Indeed, there were tremors in the region that day, the residents of Bishkek decided to spend the night outside the house, but I came earlier when the institution was empty, I was absent for only a couple of minutes, as I went to the ATM again through no fault of my own. You could have waited a couple of minutes and agreed on a table change with me.
4. Neither the default change nor the receipt was given to me. I had to knock it out.
As other visitors write, the waiters are slow, they do not approach the tables, the tables are dirty, there are no napkins, there is no soap in the toilet. In general, there is a whole complex of shortcomings that may not cause dissatisfaction individually, but collectively produce an extremely negative impression. The locals did not recommend going to this place, but at 12 o'clock at night there were few open restaurants.
Maybe you will have a different experience if the owners of the establishment somehow take care of their restaurant. By the way, they were also with their families at the restaurant that evening, the restaurant manager said so, but they did not pay much attention to the functioning of their restaurant.