An ordinary big rather stupid bazaar. The same things. It's hot in the rows of metal roofs and Chen, only a large shopping center with air-conditioned coolness saves.
The only difference from any other Thai bazaar is that there are rows with animals and fish. By the way, there were significantly fewer of them, they say there was a big fire.
The prices are the same as in Pattaya.
To find something, you need to walk a lot.
You can take a free card at the entrance.
There is a metro station nearby.
It is an incomprehensible decision that the large intercity bus station Mochit is located about three kilometers from Chatuchak. It would be more logical to take a closer look.
There are regular buses from bus stations and minibus shuttles from the Centralfestival from Pattaya. Everything gets wet.
Back, if memory serves, the last bus is at 20 o'clock, but there are buses on the street near the bus station, picking up passengers.
Bus 140, Shuttle 200 baht.
A great place for shopping, a lot of Thai cosmetics and ointments for the treatment of joints. A large selection of Thai flowers and fertilizers.There is an antique market nearby.
The market is fully open on Friday from 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday full day. You can change money in shopping malls nearby, but before 7 p.m. Near the metro and a huge park.The range is very large, the prices are different, but mostly very reasonable.