One of the best museums in the world! Even if you don't understand anything about art, try to go there and maybe something will wake up in your soul. This campaign will not be in vain anyway, you will become better and perhaps begin to move in the better direction of your life.
The lyrical part of my review is finished, now it is vital. Entrance to the museum after 6 pm is free for everyone in general. For this, I love Spain very much, after all, the authorities somehow try to educate their population and visitors. You will never get such luxury from the museum management here. Mucho Grassies, amigos!
We went there in several visits. The first day is the first floor and so on...another day to fix it . Review. The abundance of masterpieces takes your breath away. It is better to go with an audio guide. For comparison: you can't get to the Prado after lunch. The queue is huge. Opposite is the Museum of Modern Art. No one. Still
The people are not so stupid.
Восхитительно! Фламандцы, итальянцы, испанцы, голландцы! Ван Эйк, Босх, Брейгели, Рубенс, Рафаэль, Тициан, Эль Греко, Веласкес, Мурильо, Гойя, Рембрандт и много других достойнейших! Рекомендую заранее изучить путеводитель. Есть на русском. Это позволит даже за один день многое ухватить. Просто ходить разглядывать картинки гораздо скучнее :)