You will not be able to relax in this hotel! Music blares throughout the bay until 3 a.m. every day! Huge speakers are placed on the pier where the hotel restaurant is located. Visitors come to the restaurant from the street. And the hotel puts their interests above the interests of the hotel guests, who paid much more for their stay than the check for dinner. You can't hide from Turkish melodies! You won't be able to sleep at all! Tk, a new shift starts at 8 a.m. and turns on this music again! What for? There is not a single person in the restaurant. This is the hotel restaurant! Neither complaints nor threats during the entire vacation had any effect on the situation. Rudeness and sneers from the staff at the tearful daily complaints about the inability to sleep in the room to the thundering Turkish tunes.
There was no rest! She paid for the torture by sleep deprivation.
A city hotel, a little tired, requires renovation. Old plumbing in the rooms. For a 5-star hotel, it is not very respectable when liquid soap dispensers are installed in the rooms instead of cosmetic kits in the shower cabins and in the washing area. Beds and bedding of acceptable quality. The territory is small, but it is comfortable enough for a city hotel. Disadvantage:there is no convenient entrance to the sea, only from a wooden platform. Breakfast and dinner without frills, traditional for Turkish hotels. The staff is polite, friendly. The overall impression is some price-quality discrepancy. At this cost, I would like more comfort