Today I was in the cafe Capulus, and I have the warmest feelings for the time I was there, the atmosphere and the hospitable hostess created such a homey feeling that I don't want to leave there. This is my first time in Pskov, for a foreigner like me, I was lucky 100%, and I will say one thing, every time I come to Pskov, I will be a guest in the cafe Capulus, where you feel like home! Capulus, keep it up, always be on top!!! With respect and Love!!!
Была проездом в Пскове, заглянула. Очень понравился интерьер. Мило, уютно. Удобно сидеть с ноутом. Вкусный кофе и сырники. И очень приятная девушка бариста. Успехов вам! Буду в Пскове - обязательно загляну.