Joylashganimdan keyin taxminan 10 minutdan keyin ofitsiant yonimga menyuni olin keldi.
“Chicken Curry” zakaz qildim 87.000 so’mga, menyuda chicken curry rasmi va yonida indiyskiy nondi “naan” rasmi ham bor edi.
Roppa rosa 22 minutdan keyin shu ovqatni olib keldi. Indiyskiy nondi o’rniga tosterdan chiqgan buxanka 😀.
Ovqat umuman puliga arzimidi. Hind ta’midan vobshe asar yo’q.
Hullas xizmat ham ovqat ham yaxshi emas ekan. Tavsiya qilmiman
Ichkariga kirib ovqat va ichimlik buyurtma qildim, buyurtma berishimdan oldin men stol ustiga noutbookimni qo'yib qo'ygan edim, ovqat buyurtma qilganimdan so'ng u yerda kompyuter ishlatish mumkin emasligini va u yerning o'zini ichki qonun qoidasiga bu narsa to'g'ri kelmasligini aytishni
Manageri va ketmaket 3 ta ofitsant kelib bu haqida aytdi ammo bu talabning na qonuniy na logik jihatdan to'g'i ekanini isbotlab bera olmadi.
Shunchaki tushunmadim, nega noutbook ishlatish mumkin emas?
Men ichkariga kirdim, ovqat va ichimlik buyurtma qildim, u yerda o'tirib oqatlanganim uchun ham service uchun qo'shimcha tolov qildim, lekin o'zimni deviceimda foydalanishim mumkin emas?
Shunchaki kirib o'tirganim yo'qku, ovqatlangani kirganman, noutbook'da esa buyurtmam tayyor bo'lguncha va ovqatlangunimcha video ko'rish va ishlarimni bitirib olish uchun foydalandim.
Logik va qonuniy jihatdan bu talab to'g'ri ekanini mamuriyat tushuntirib bera oladimi?
I give the lowest rating!
The receptionist didn't even say hello, she was chewing gum all the time
The dishes were dirty, when they asked to change, the waiter and the receptionist began to figure out something among themselves because of the dishes
The food was on the 3rd
I don't understand where they get such prices for dishes when they can't even normally hear the customer's order.
The owner of the establishment came and began to scold the waiters in raised tones
After that, he began to walk around the hall and talk on the phone very loudly, despite the fact that the hall was full of visitors
There are a lot of people in line, thanks to advertising, but it's not worth your money!!!!
I do not advise you to come here