The staff leaves much to be desired. You will come to buy goods because your master praises this store, but in Kalinkovichi, and you will hear from the seller a lot of flattering things about yourself and the master's address. And she covers her expressions with the phrase "I can sell you a product, but you have to go to the master and put on the master's paint. If you came to buy paint from us on the recommendation of a master, then this says a lot about him." What's the seller's business, what should I wear makeup with and how?! Get down the crown from the head of the beauty sellers. Otherwise, you will remain with a minimum number of buyers, as you can see now. Be more focused on sales and good advice. And then you come to the store with an appraising look, they discuss how you painted yourself "Is that how you painted yourself?" With a face like my hair is a garbage can. Every person can have an unsuccessful painting, what difference does it make to you. We could then tell the buyer what products can be used to get rid of an unsuccessful color, and not just stand with a "facepalm" face. As a result, the seller completely discouraged the desire to come to their store in the future and buy goods there.