Комплект фото на документы.
В стоимость входит фотосъемка, ретушь, печать комплекта фотографий на листе фотобумаги размером 10х15см. В комплект может входить от 2 до 8 фотографий в зависимости от необходимого формата (например, 4 фото на паспорт...
It's a disgusting place. I came to print out the A3 drawing, because it was urgent, and this place was the closest. 1) I gave 5 times more than in any printer in the district (3.5 rubles per cb A3 sheet, for comparison, almost everywhere it costs 70 kopecks). 2)For a very long time, well, very long. While the woman was poking at the computer, I thought it was faster to draw by hand. It was like the first time a person sat down at this computer. They also forgot to give me the flash drive. And I forgot about it myself, while I was waiting for my unfortunate piece of paper for 20 minutes.
It turned out to be a great passport photo, despite the fact that I'm still that perfectionist) Photographer Maxim comfort + did a beautiful retouch. It's so cool that I even had to write a review!)