Рубленая мякоть бедра цыпленка без кожи, сливки, сливочный крем-сыр, яйцо, крахмал, соль, перец. Панировка - вымоченные в морковном соке сухари Панко. В порции 2 котлетки, подаются с картофельным пюре, овощным салатом и сливочным соусом
39 Br400 g
Пельмени домашней лепки
Пельмени из двух видов мяса (свинина и говядина) с добавление жареного лука и сливочного масла. Подаем с ароматным куриным бульоном с добавлением мисо-пасты. Гарнируем сметаной
We have been visiting this cafe for many years. A cozy place. Despite the small space, the cafe has been pleasing for many years. A pleasant atmosphere that somewhat resembles authentic Italian establishments that are located far from typical tourist spots. Where the staff treats every visitor with attention. The level of service has been excellent for many years. For some reason, such establishments are somehow more comfortable than very large roomy restaurants. Interesting menu. It's just that everything is delicious: breakfasts, the main menu. Desserts create a separate impression. This statement was boldly recommended to guests from different countries and everyone was satisfied. That's right 100%.
An excellent and cozy cafe-restaurant with an excellent level of customer service. Despite its small size, it is a very cozy place that is always a pleasure to return to. Excellent cuisine and excellent service.
Fabulously high prices for such an institution. Such prices are not justified by the serving, the taste and quality of the dishes, or the interior of the restaurant itself. Are they justified by that cow at the main entrance?)
Banal tea, a milkshake and one dish will cost you 70-100 rubles - for that kind of money in other bistro restaurants you can buy a lot more and feel the whole palette of flavors. I didn't ask for water anymore - usually they serve it for free in such establishments, but I doubted it here))
I took a set for 80 rubles, the dishes were not impressed.
The interior of an ordinary family restaurant with an average check of 50p, a maximum of 75p. I don't want to sound arrogant, but, again, if this restaurant positions itself as an institution with high cuisine, it needs to meet the necessary standards. Well, there was also a child sitting next to him, screaming and throwing pencils in all directions - there was no reaction from the staff.
The overall score is 2/10. For such prices on the menu, you can get a much more pleasant restaurant with more affordable prices and a lamp atmosphere. Even being rich is here to waste money